High Voltage Motors | OMVP (IP23/IC01)

The OMVP series motors by OME Motors are high and medium voltage three-phase electric motorsequipped with IC01 IP23 cooling system, therefore, they are self-ventilated motors: the outside air enters through the present holes and goes directly to cool the active parts inside them , allowing it to cool down on its own. OMVP electric motors are characterized by their compact structure and their high efficiency, which makes them ideal for application in the most disparate contexts. They are also designed to guarantee an effective saving in energy consumption and thus ensure an optimization of production costs.
Category Electric Motors, High Voltage Motors and Medium Voltage Motors
frame size mm H 315 - H 1.120
kw From 185 kW - up to 25.000 kW
voltage 3 kV - 6 kV - 6,6 kV - 10 kV - 11 kV - 15 kV
poles 2-4-6-8...up to 24
cooling system IC 01 / IP 23 ENCLOSURE
hz 55 - 60 Hz / Suitable to work under VSD
sectors Cement, Power Plants, Steel Mill, Sugar Plant, Water System Purification, Water treatment and desalination, Wind Power Generation
fields applications Boylers, Compressors, Crusher – Shredders, Fans and Blowers, Pumps, Rolling Mill & Steel Plant Equipment, Turbines

OMVP IC01 High Voltage Series

  • High Power
  • Premium Efficiency